The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51425   Message #783611
Posted By: Bobert
13-Sep-02 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Subject: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Hey, this may not mean too much to the folks who think that giving a big tax gift to the rich but here's the story.

My father, aged 88, member of the working class and dieing, has been on an emergency room gurney now for 4 days awaiting a danged room in which to die. Yeah, he worked until he was 76 years old and here he is on a danged cot, while Dick Cheney gets the best of care.

Yeah, at this rate, my dad will die on this cot still awaitin' a room.

This is what I have been talkin' about as long as I've been hanging 'round this joint.

Folk music is about folks but if you're folk and not a memeber of the ruling class, you're gonna die on a gurney in a danged cot... That is, unless someone of the upper class doesn'r bump you... Welcome to George Bush's America, thank you...
