The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51425   Message #783619
Posted By: Bobert
13-Sep-02 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Subject: RE: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Problem is, Larry, that my dad still is acutely aware of what is going on and this is the most embarassing part of his life and her he is one death's doorstep. I have even given thought to just taking him home to die, even though I don' thave the resources to do that and he is a big man and hard to handle. And my mom is 80 years old and frail so she is no help.

You'd think that after 50 years of workin' and paying taxes that a man would have a comfy place to die. Hey, we're not talking about some drunk. We;re talking about a man who was a decon in the church, who coached a little league team and was loved by all thet knew him. And in the ruling class's plans, ahh... "let my dad eat cake"!

Yeah, ol' Bobert going on record to say, on this day when Dick Cheney gets the best of care, that I'm as mad as I've been in my life...
