The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51399   Message #784166
Posted By: Mrrzy
14-Sep-02 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mrrzy's on the dole
Subject: RE: BS: Mrrzy's on the dole
Hey, yeah, Dani! Maybe they can help me get my resume into French, which is not something I actually have the vocabulary for (I can do the science, but not the publishing)... good thought, ask if you can pm me their email? Happy restaurant opening, maybe when the boys have a three-day weekend we'll pop down and sample.

Frankly, I'm not going to worry unless I am still sans prospects by Thanksgiving.

...I said and said and said those words... I said them, but I lied them. (Extra points for recognizing the speaker of that quote.) That is, *I* am not worried. But I am chewing my cuticles to the absolute bone, and for the first time in my life have absolutely FEROCIOUS allergies - the sneezing (which would be OK if it didn't reach quite so far down my body during the excruciatingly extra-long AAAAAaaah phase), itchy eyes and nose and inside my EARS, and I seem to be allergic to kleenex as if I break down and use it my nose gets worse and the skin around it starts itching too NOT to mention my eyebrows and eyelashes, as if I were allergic to those little beasties that live there and clean the follicles and YES I've tried saline AND the naphta-whatever drops that you can't use all the time and Benedryl (which at least makes me sleep through some of it) AND non-sleepy formulas and I can't WAIT till Monday to go to a REAL doctor instead of a pharmacy and get something to put me out of this misery! Bloody unconscious!

But I'm not worried, and it certainly beats still WORKING there!