The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6791   Message #784239
Posted By: rich-joy
15-Sep-02 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Amazing Grace
Subject: RE: Amazing Grace
I found an article in a "Life Spirit" magazine a few years back, that suggested we reconsider the appropriateness of the words of "Amazing Grace" in these "enlightened" times and suggested the following hymn to the same tune (which, after all, almost everyone loves ...)
From the "Spiritualist's National Union" hymnbook, UK ...


Immortal love, forever full
Forever flowing free
Forever shared, forever whole
A never-ebbing sea.

Blow winds of God, awake and blow
The mists of earth away
Shine out, O light devine, and show
The realm of perfect day

The letter fails, the systems fall
And every symbol wanes
The spirit over-brooding all
Eternal Love remains.

Cheers! R-J