The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51425   Message #784297
Posted By: GUEST,Skipjack K8
15-Sep-02 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Subject: RE: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Bobert, I can identify precisely with your anger, as I lost my own father two weeks ago, but as the most likely candidate on the ward to die next, he was afforded a room for the last hours, and I managed to be with him for the last one. The ward oustide was wretched, reeking of death, but at least he was afforded the dignity of passing away in a private environment, and we were allowed to grieve privately.

You have my empathy, but try and focus on his life rather than the circumstance of his departure.
