The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51461   Message #784541
Posted By: Jeri
15-Sep-02 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: BANOFFEE PIE: Food or fraud? Hep me!
Subject: RE: BS: BANOFFEE PIE: Food or fraud? Hep me!
I was once in Sweeney Todd's, a pizza establishment in Bath. We were visiting the baths in Bath, which seemed an appropriated thing to do. The group of Americans I was with decided to sample some genuine British cuisine, so we opted for pizza. It was good pizza, but about halfway through stuffing ourselves we realised people were unsuccessfully trying not to stare at the unwashed heathens (us) eating with out fingers. They were all using knives and forks on their pizzas. To me, the whole point of pizza is that it's its own plate!

Andrew/Crane Driver, pray tell, what's the recipe for 'rich cholesterol sauce'? It sounds like something I'd like. I still think hot fudge would work just fine. If you were dieting, you could probably forego the fudge and use something lighter such as vanilla ice cream. Ben & Jerry's also make "Chubby Hubby" ice cream which is banana flavored and has chocolate covered pretzels in it. That might be nice.

So how does one make Banoffee Pie? Do the cookies/biscuits and toffee make up the crust? Are the bahnahnas and whipped cream the filling? Have you tried swirls of peanut butter? (You'd probably have to mix it with melted butter or something so it's not so thick.)