The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51511   Message #786038
Posted By: The Walrus at work
17-Sep-02 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Subject: RE: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Of course, it does work the other way round.
I recall that there was a minor fracas in one of our workshops some years ago when the craftsman teaching an apprentice was having some trouble with a lathe and asked the lad to go to the store for a tin of elbow grease, the apprentice wasn't having any of it and there was a minor (if somewhat loud) arguement between the two of them which ended with the craftsman storming off to the store and coming back with a tin of grease for the lathe (brand name "L-Bow") with which he sorted the problem on the lathe head.
The (slightly chastened) apprentice spent the next month in somewhat messier & less interesting jobs than previously.