The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51524   Message #786168
Posted By: BB
17-Sep-02 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: Song 'Ownership'
Subject: RE: Song 'Ownership'
I find this very interesting. We started a monthly singaround/music/story, etc. session in our village just a year ago, and a number of village residents come who have had no connection with the folk scene, tradition or revival. However, most of what is performed is folk music, as there are a number of people from around the area who attend and are involved in the scene.

Villagers who want to perform therefore like to 'fit in' by singing folk songs, and, in any case, that's what they're enjoying at the sessions. But where are their sources for these songs? For one couple, the only source they have at present is our two CDs, so they've learnt some of the songs from those, and because they don't know the usual 'etiquette', that's what they sing at the sessions. I certainly don't want to discourage them by claiming ownership of those songs, even though I wouldn't do the same thing, because I've been conditioned through years of contact with the tradition and the revival. In fact, we should probably take it as a compliment! And we are trying to introduce them to other song sources, but it all takes time.
