The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51425   Message #786247
Posted By: Bobert
17-Sep-02 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Subject: RE: BS: Workin' Class Gettin' the Shaft...
Skipjack and Bluejay:

Thanks for your toughts. Yes, now is a time to focus on my father's life, and fortunately, he had a better day today and actually read a little bit of the newspaper and tried to do the crossword puzzle. (His favoite activity...)

Hospice has now turned him down becasue he's not liable to die within a week to ten days. So tomorrow, we start trying to figure out how to get thru the labrinth of red tape to get him into another facilty that accepts folks who may live longer than 10 days.

And Bluejay, you are right. Last year I paid out close to 20% of my income for health insurance, got back close to nothing and didn't even have the peace of mind that if I, or my wife, got real sick, that our provider couldn't cancel our policy or deny a doctor from treating us. Itr's a darned shame and it's just one of the many things that will catch up to the ruling class when the time is right.
