The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51524   Message #786567
Posted By: GUEST,eoin
18-Sep-02 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: Song 'Ownership'
Subject: RE: Song 'Ownership'
McGrath had a good point, most songs that are deemed to be 'someone's song' are usually odd songs that don't get aired much. I have a few 'odd' songs that I sing at times and I know they are connected to me singing them. What I mean is, I have heard folk say, Oh! that's Eoin's song(not real name) after someone else should sing one of them. It gives me a funny feeing to hear it as I don't think any song belongs to one person. Though I have heard some folk say to a singer who has just heard a song sang that they are known for singing, That's my song, I was going to sing it. The reason I have the 'ODD' song or two is, at singing weekends I would find a lot of the songs I sing are sung by others ovr the course of the evening (or weekend)so its good to have the 'odd' few that you can fall back on. Nothing to do with a small repertoire, as I guess that over a weekend singing I could sing between seventy and eighty songs without repeating myself.