The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10944   Message #78657
Posted By: Clarence ('spaw's maw-in-law)
15-May-99 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw, the Recovery
Subject: RE: Catspaw, the Recovery
Just talked with ICU and Karen is at breakfast. Pat is sleeping and has already had his breakfast. As of now, they have not found the bleeding and more blood has been ordered for today.

I do not have a number into the ICU waiting room and the nurse said she didn't believe therre was one. (Number, that is.) Karen is never in there as she stays with Pat. I hate to call and bother the nurses and tie up their phone so have promised that I will keep my calls to one a day. Karen will probably call me back and if there are any additions to the news, I will get them to you.

Kat, Banjer, Mick etal we appreciate your thoughts of sending not only prayers but financial help. I think that Pat would be upset but at this point even he would see this as an act of love. We are doing everything in the family that we can to help Karen. She needs to go back to work on Monday or her salary will stop. She is under a great deal of pressure and, of course, cannot discuss problems with her best friend, Pat. I would like so very much to say, thanks but we can handle this. However, there comes a time when one must face reality. This has been financially devestating to Karen and Pat and is beyond the realm of what her sister and I can do to help her. I know that any help you send would be received in the spirit with which it was sent and would be of immense help to them.

Now, as to the mechanics. Could it simply be sent to Karen at Fairfield Medical Center in Lancaster? She does work there and maybe her mail could be held for her at the histology lab.