The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51524   Message #786582
Posted By: GUEST,Russ
18-Sep-02 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: Song 'Ownership'
Subject: RE: Song 'Ownership'
I am aware of the notion of ownership and have seen it in action, but it does not seem to play a significant role in the musical circles I inhabit.

In the singing gatherings I attend there seems to be a carryover of the attitude found in American old time tune jams.

In an old time tune jam the concept of ownership is inoperative because everybody plays every tune. The basic idea is to pick tunes that everybody knows or at least that most people know. The rest will learn during the playing. The fiddlers might take turns starting the tunes, but it's more a question of who remembers the tune well enough to start it than ownership.

In some of my musical circles people "own" a tune or song simply because they are the only people who can actually play it or who know the words well enough to be able to lead it.

In one venue we do go around the circle with solo performances being an option, but this month's solo performance can easily become next month's group effort. But everybody who is part of the group understands that and is OK with it.