The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51511   Message #786744
Posted By: NH Dave
18-Sep-02 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Subject: RE: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Having spent some time in Boy Scouts as well as in the AF, two situations come to mind.

As a boy, on camping trips, I recall being sent on missions to scare up a tent stretcher, as we were a couple of tents for the outing. This stopped when I brought a set of tenterhooks, two bits of scrap, joined at one end by a bolt or rivit, with a series of brads or hooks at the other, used to keep woven work a specific width, against the pull of the weft.

The second involved an air base that trained Hospital Technicians, and AF Instructors as well as having the usual flying operations. We sent a tyro off for a couple Fallopian Tubes, to repair a bit of radar gear, suggesting he check with the Radiology Department of the base hospital since there were many similarities in radar and X-Ray machines.

Unfortunately, instead of encountering a fellow prankster, willing to kid him on, he ran into a crusty, older, Nurse, Major, with a limited sense of humor about things medical, feminine, and military, who extracted the name of his immediate supervisor and called, demanding an instant stop to this nonsense.
