The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51511   Message #787076
Posted By: Abby Sale
18-Sep-02 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Subject: RE: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Well, wilco48's original story reminds me of the serious side of all this. In 1946, when the horror was still very much with us, my father told me some news he'd heard directly from some relatives who were there at the timeā€¦Survivors.

This was early in 1938, before "Kristallnacht" when Jews still could live a bit and own stores in Germany. One day Goering says to Hitler that he's not entirely sure it's a good idea to get rid of all the Jews. Maybe they're clever and can contribute something useful. Hitler, of course, is outraged but allows his comrade to explain.

"Please come with me, Fuhrer," says Goering, and they go out into the town to the shops. Stopping at an Aryan dry goods shop, Goering asks for a dozen left-handed teacups. The shop owner shuffles around offering this and that but finally admits he never heard of left-handed teacups and he can't help.

"Okay," says Goering, "lets try again." They go to another Aryan store with the same results and also to a third store. Hitler is becoming very impatient but Goering says, "Fine. Let's try this shop here." It's a Jewish store.

Again, Goering asks for a dozen left-handed teacups and the owner says, "Yes, sir. Immediately!" He goes to the shelf, gets the cups, places one left-handed teacup on the counter and politely turns it so it's convenient to Goering's left hand. "Very fine and unusual cups they are, Sir," he explains. "That will be 50 marks."

Goering says he'll think about it and takes Hitler outside. "See what I mean, Fuhrer? Clever people! Maybe we can use them."

But Hitler knows betterā€¦"What's so clever?" he asks. The Jew just happened to have some in stock!"