The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51524   Message #787170
Posted By: Sandy Paton
18-Sep-02 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Song 'Ownership'
Subject: RE: Song 'Ownership'
Reading through all of the above, one realizes that the general principle being applied is simply one of courtesy. I'm all for that. In the traditional community, a singer might be associated with a particular song, perhaps one that he/she had introduced to the circle, and the others would avoid it out of common courtesy and to show respect for the original singer. I think that's just good manners, and has nothing to do with the more commercial meaning of the term "ownership."

At one of the song swaps in the Dutch Barn at the Old Songs Festival, I sang a song that I had recorded. It has a good chorus for people to sing along, was not too widely known, etc. I sang it early on in the evening. Later, another singer, arriving late and not knowing what had been sung earlier, launched into that same song when I invited him to lead one for us. Actually, he had learned the song from my recording of it. Fair enough. I was pleased that he had cared enough for it to have taken time to learn it, and also pleased with the way the rest of the group handled the repetition. No one called out, "We've already sung that one!" Courtesy ruled. Speaks well of the people who love to share this kind of music, doesn't it?

By the way, Jerry does a hell of a fine job on "Whoa, Back, Buck." Stands up well next to anyone's.
