The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51658   Message #788169
Posted By: GUEST
20-Sep-02 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Twillingsgate
Subject: RE: BS: On Twillingsgate
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Foresters Thursday From: GUEST,Winston Wellington-Jones of Twillingsgate Date: 13-Sep-02 - 07:25 PM

Oakley - You impertinent, mealy-mouthed swine, you are in for a nasty surprise. What do you take me for? A fool? Or some doddering septegenarian pugilist reveling in the memories of his squandered youth? I don't wear spats, I wear the best Italian shoes, and I am 27 years old and trained to perfection. By heaven, sir, I shall give you a thumping you will never forget! I now see that I am dealing not only with a ruffian and a braggart, but a man in the grip of an obsessive complex. It is a good thing that Ms Rutledge, whose hallowed name is sullied by the mere utterance of your profane lips...or the stroke of your poison pen, did well to alert me to your delusions of romantic adventure.

Come to Twillingsgate then, come. I shall be waiting... Ask for me at the Vicar's Inn, and be sure all your affairs are in order.

Winston Wellington-Jones