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Thread #51658   Message #788182
Posted By: GUEST
20-Sep-02 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Twillingsgate
Subject: RE: BS: On Twillingsgate
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Foresters Thursday From: GUEST,Ms Penelope Rutledge Date: 17-Sep-02 - 12:56 AM

Oakley, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am nobody's "charge"! I am an independent woman in charge of her own affairs. (Furthermore, I may appear "severe" to some, but that is only due to my deep and abiding loyalty to what I know is right, good, and true.)

In the meantime I must say that I am really becoming quite exasperated with you gentlemen, both of you! You assume too much.

Now, Winston means well in his own way, but he has simply gone overboard on this whole situation since that remark you made about his "mummy". Good lord, the man is in a proper fury! I fear he may do himself or someone else an injury. He broke a perfectly good piece of bone china the other day by slamming his fist down on the table, and I have advised him to curb his emotions on this matter and act sensibly, at least in my presence. He also apparently broke his computer keyboard, and he is certainly NOT going to use mine! Accordingly, he has not posted here in response to your last remarks of 14th September.

He does little, in fact, but sit around with his "mates" at the Vicar's Inn, consume inordinate amounts of port and stout, and mutter darkly about the pummeling he intends to give you...and they, lot of fools that they are, egg him on of course, due to the fact that they are simply bored and at loose ends.

Well, it's all getting quite silly, isn't it? I suppose I should not have taken such umbrage over what I now see is merely the name of a band, albeit a band that plays rather...common music...but I haven't actually heard it, so I shall not cast further aspersions on it. That wouldn't be fair.

I see that you have a strong romantic bent, and that is in a sense admirable, as long as it is accompanied by a measure of mature judgement and restraint.

Now if you and Winston insist on wasting your energies threatening and sparring with one another, well, that is your lookout. I would regret being the indirect cause of any injurious incident, but if you are both bound and determined to behave like jealous schoolboys on a rampage...then I will have to wash my hands of the whole matter.

I think you should either commit yourself to the life and music you are familiar and comfortable with or else consider taking a whole new look at things. In the latter case, I recommend exposure to good British literature (the classics) and chamber or orchestral music of the finer sort. You can take a man out of England, but you can't take England out of the man, not if he is born to it, and that remains the hope and strength of this nation, come what may, globalization and the Common Market notwithstanding.

I feel sometimes that I was born in the wrong century, goodness knows, but one must persevere and not become discouraged. I look forward to better days, and a renewal of what made this country great.

Ms Penelope Rutledge

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Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Foresters Thursday From: GUEST,Oakley Date: 17-Sep-02 - 05:41 AM

I have just written "Ms Penelope Rutledge" on my pencil -case, again. I was going to cut my ear off, but ended up shaving my arse out of devotion to you, my love. Some day we will be finally together, drinking strong lager and committing petty crimes in Twillingsate. I know this, because your post reeks of love for the poor smitten, smooth-arsed, hairy farmer.