The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51636 Message #788196
Posted By: Jeri
20-Sep-02 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: What's Sentimental and what's Sickening?
Subject: LYR ADD: Driven From Home
There is a keyword in the DT - you can search for @tearjerker. Of course, most modern songs aren't even close, barfogenically, to:
Out in this cold world, out in the street Asking a penny of each one I meet, Shoeless I wander about thro' the day, Wearing my young life in a sorrow away; No one to help me, no one to love, No one to pity me, none to caress, Fatherless, motherless sadly I roam, A child of misfortune, I'm driven from home.
CHORUS: No one to help me, no one to love No one to pity me, none to caress, Fatherless, motherless sadly I roam, A child of misfortune, I'm driven from home.
The flowers that bloomed that I once loved to see, Seem bowing their heads as if pitying me, The music that mingles with voices of mirth, From the windows of pleasure and plenty on earth, Makes me think what it is to be friendless and poor. And I feel I shal faint when I knock at the door. Turn a deaf ear, there's no one will come, To help a poor wanderer driven from home.
Oh! Where shall I go, or what can I do? I've no one to tell me what course to persue. I'm weary and footsore, I'm hungry and weak; I know not what shelter tonight I may seek. The Friend of all friends, who rules earth and sea, Will look with a pitying eye upon me. I'' wander about till His messenger comes To lead me to father and mother at home.
From Weep Some More, My Lady by Sigmund Spaeth. He found the song in the Grosvenor Library in Buffalo, NY.