The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22334   Message #788632
Posted By: belfast
21-Sep-02 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: Review: The Man from God Knows Where (Tom Russell)
Subject: RE: the man from god knows where
I can only agree with those who talk about the excellence of the poem "The Man From God Knows Where". Though there are a few words in it that might be incomprehensible to those unacquainted with the speech of the north east of Ireland. However I've recently been reading the journals of Wolfe Tone, a friend and comrade of Russell's, and one gets the impression that the line "He took no drink neither cold nor hot" is a bit implausible. The couple of weeks that Tone and Russell spent together in Belfast seems to have been a long binge, with endless political discussions fuelled by large quantities of wine.

Oh yes, the modern day Russell is good. Hope this understatement doesn't offend