The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10973   Message #78902
Posted By: Rick Fielding
16-May-99 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Clarence, Welcome! ....gasp..gasp..
Subject: Clarence, Welcome! ....gasp..gasp..
Clarence, I can't tell you how much your participation has meant to us here. Would that it had begun under much less trying circumstances, but none the less, you're a "Mudcatter" now.
If at some less hectic time, you go back a couple of years in the threads, you'll find that the "more music, less "humanity" (my translation of the abbreviation "B.S.") argument pops up a lot. It can actually be quite a lot of fun, and at times thought provoking, because the postings are for the large part articulate, well thought out, and rarely hurtful to anyone. You will also notice occasional rude, insulting and often scatalogical submissions. Pay them no notice! It's the price of doing business on the "net". It doesn't take more than a few weeks to see where they're coming from, and I confess I suspect at least a couple of the nick-names are aliases for folks who visit more regularly in another guise.
Often these posters are gently chided about their rudeness by my more tactful mudcat friends, and they then go away for a few days - only to re-appear during a stressful time when they can often make a sensitive person second-guess themslves about their contributions.

That was why the thread "Mudcat, Music or Mix?" was started. For that reason alone. When things calm done and Pat is once again with us all in spirit and body..check out the percentages in that thread.
We all have group and personal reasons for following Pat through this ordeal. For me, an e-mail he sent saying he'd like to get to know me better, is enough in itself. I'm afraid prayers are just not something I know much about, but everything in me is with Pat right now.