The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51722   Message #789179
Posted By: GUEST,An American in Paris, Texas
22-Sep-02 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Perspective on Saddam Hussein
Subject: Perspective on Saddam Hussein
Here's my take on the conflict with Iraq.

Now I agree that Bush's war is about oil, not Saddam Hussein's weapons.


Since he came to power in 1979, Saddam Hussein has been directly responsible for more than two million deaths (and that's a conservative estimate) of his own people. More than a million Iraqis were killed in the war that he started with Iran. More than half a million Iraqi Kurds have been massacred on Saddam's orders. Estimates are of several hundred thousand Iraqi deaths in the Gulf War of 1990-91 that he started. The list goes on.

An average of at least 90,000 Iraqis a year since Saddam Hussein came to power have been killed because of his actions.

Noam Chomsky, the official policy dictator of the new left, has stated that George Bush would be an international war criminal if he invaded Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein because 5-10,000 innocent Iraqis would, undoubably according to Chomsky, die in the conflict.

OK, so lets leave Saddam Hussein in power for another 10 years. Based on his own record thus far, that means we'd probably see about a million innocent Iraqis killed.

Follow Bush, and 10,000 innocent Iraqis might die.

Follow Chomsky, and 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis might die.

If I was an Iraqi, and I thank God I'm not, I'd prefer my odds with Bush.