The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51722   Message #789264
Posted By: Bobert
22-Sep-02 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Perspective on Saddam Hussein
Subject: RE: BS: Perspective on Saddam Hussein
Yo GUEST. While I might question the stats, but won't since so many get thrown around that after a while no one cares if they are real, I'll agree with you that Saddam ain't a nice person.

Now, the "Ain't a nice person" list is a very long one that includes a lot of folks right here at home. But jsut for the sake of discussion that after Saddam, who's next. And after who's next, who's next. And after...

See where I'm going here?

There are better ways to make "Ain't a nic person's" nicer but, heck, if you can justify killin' one, why not just kill 'em all?

Problem is that there's this line where "Ain't a nice person" folks maybe ain't quite as "Ain't a nice person" as the one that we just killed where we say, "Hey, this "Ain't a nice person" ain't all that bad and maybe we shouldn't kill this one.

Problem is, with Bush's desoire to save his own butt and try to do what Senior couldn't do, he make have to kill about half the folks in the world before he gets to *that* line...


Think about it.

Who's next...
