The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #789299
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Sep-02 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: BS: Actions to promote peace
Bobert, I haven't the info on the congresspeople, yet, but came across this from a few years ago and thought parts of it might still be helpful as far as suggestions go, so will start with it:

"Join others pledging opposition to the war against Iraq in a powerful, pro-active peace movement, promoting a more peaceful and just global community.

"'A time has come when silence is betrayal. That time is now.' Martin Luther King Jr."

I pledge to take the following action: (check as many as apply)

____ Write a letter to the editor of my newspaper

____ Form a delegation to visit a local newspaper to discuss Iraq coverage

____ Introduce a resolution to my organization or faith community

____ Engage at least one new person in conversation about Iraq: ____ Daily ____ Weekly

____ Call the President to urge him not to wage war in Iraq

____ Call my Congresspeople (Congressional Switchboard 202-224-3121 or individual local numbers) to urge no war on Iraq: ____ every weekday ____ weekly

____ Write a letter to my Congressperson and Senators (to their local offices because of problems in DC mail delivery) weekly.

____ Participate in a public event such as a vigil or picket: ____ weekly ____ monthly

____ Other (please specify, be creative and report your efforts so we can post them)"