The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10847   Message #78931
Posted By: katlaughing
16-May-99 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Photo album of 'catters
Subject: RE: Photo album of 'catters
Uh....I think BillD. still gets snail mail, too!?:-)

It's really not hard to do, if you have a scanner or digital camera. If anyone wants a rudimentary lesson, let me know.

KC the one you use here in Casper is pretty good! And, Rick and Sandy, yer darkin' mugs are all over the Internet, didn't anyone tell you? Why the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed just posted new wanted posters with yer darlin' faces plastered all over them, along with Reg, Reg, and Reg, Cletus AND Paw! course the one of Reg who was a stand-in at the NYCTS looks exactly like the ones of Reg and Reg, mostly 'cause nobody's ever had a picture of all three of them together at one time. But with all that kissin' cuzzins stuff goin' on they figure they all look alike anyway, ya know? well, excepting fer their sister Earlene; now she don't look likes inny of 'em. They's rumours goin' about thet she's the spittin' image of thet traveling salesman from that ASKME company what come thru the holler a few years back when Reg, Reg, and Reg's paw was out o'town. Some phoaks says her momma too a real shine to that Mr. Slick City Man, so's ya jist never know.

So now, you two jist know that Maw is gonna keep the kettle byelin' fer ya whilst ya git all gussied up fer them high falutin' pitchers ya got git took and send to the Mudcat. Ya'll take care now, ya hear?
