The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51724   Message #789336
Posted By: Amos
22-Sep-02 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dedicated Follower of Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Dedicated Follower of Fascism
The diferenceis that one man is acting somewhat Facistic, with all the jingoism and blind adherence that often entails, but he is doing it under legal and political constraints that will not allow him to break the balance of wills imposed by the bicameral representative government and the only semi-corrupted judiciary and the unpredictable big ace of popular voice.

As regards the latter, NEVER underestimate what it is capable of. Ask Yamamoto. Ask Tom Dewey. That we are presently walking around dressed as a nation of shoppers and TV heads is a tragedy of appearance, but it is not yet a tragedy of substance. Different people awake at different times, but wakening, like hypnotism, is contagious. And we are very used to thinking of ourselves as free, and capable of deciding issues.