The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10973   Message #78960
Posted By: Banjer
16-May-99 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: Clarence, Welcome! ....gasp..gasp..
Subject: RE: Clarence, Welcome! ....gasp..gasp..
Rick, Sandy, I'm not a church goer, never really was, except when I was little my Mom would make me go to Sunday School. Like most folks I do believe there is a higher power of some sort. My prayers are not fancy, a lot of times a simple "Thank ya, Lord" suffices. I had a rather scary experience about 4 months ago at work. I was using one of our big pedestal grinders. It has a wheel 10" in diameter and 2-1/2" wide. The piece I was grinding on twisted and before I could react drug my hand down bewwieen the wheel and the guard. The wheel cut along the back of my left hand. Mostly abrasions, but the one finger took 8 stitches to put it back together. I got to thinking, it wouldn't have taken but another second or two and I could have lost most of that hand! Some power was looking out for me! I got a little more reverent after that, lemme tell ya. This experience here with Pat also got me to thinking a bit, as it has all of us. Here we are, most of us have never met the guy or his family, and we sit on our macho tails, blubbering and ready to do whatever we can for them. Like Rick says, this group has a powerful influence on us all. AND I FOR ONE AM GLAD OF IT! A finer bunch of folks one couldn't hope to meet. I'm proud to have met each and every one of you!!