The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10847   Message #78964
Posted By: Banjer
16-May-99 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Photo album of 'catters
Subject: RE: Photo album of 'catters
Whew!! It 'pears like the folk at that Neil Young Center For The Terminaly Screwed hadn't figgered out thet I ain't there partakin' of their hospitality no more! I guess Reg puttin' thet there dummy in the bed afore he left still has them baffled. Give 'em another week or two an' one o' them hotshots will figure out he ain't moved fer a while!

Don't know if'n ya knew it or not, but the Regs's Paw dun found out 'bout thet there Mr. City Slicker feller and asked fer a deevorce from their momma. Jedge said they could deevorce if'n they wanted too, but that didn't change a thing 'bout them being brother and sister!