The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51771   Message #790328
Posted By: belfast
24-Sep-02 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Help with ABC required
Subject: RE: Help with ABC required
I,'m trying this again with the amenendments mentioned by guest mcp.I'm getting more infornation here than I can absorb at the minute. But mcp was right about bar 2 and the final bar. I think I've fixed it.

T:The Shipyard Slips
E/D/|CEG>c|BdcB/c/|dB/d/cA/A/|G/cE/DE/D/| CEG>c|Bdce/d/|cAGE/E/|D/ED/CE/D/| CEGc/c/|cB/c/de/d/|cA>cA|GcE/D/E/D/| CEG>c|cB/c/de/d/|cAG/c/c/E/|E/D2