The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51511   Message #790382
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Sep-02 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Subject: RE: BS: Left-handed spoons. Post-holes for sale
Why is sales such a maligned occupation? For those who have never done it I realize that the common image (ie-used cars) is somewhat down the totem pole of jobs. The standard cliches and other things like attire (Hey' I see your belt matches your shoes--Both white!) have done in what is truly an art and a science. Selling is an art and if you don't believe me, think back to all the wonderful things you've bought over the years and then on to all the pieces of absolute crap you have been sold.

"Cold Calls" are the number two ability on the list of tools a salesperson must have, the first being the ability to carry on long conversations without making a statement--only asking questions, regardless of the answer. Cold calls establish a customer base and build prospects so time isn't wasted on non-buyers and others can be developed over time. Many seem to believe that the way to do this is thorugh the phone or internet. At best, all they can provide is a remote possibility that a customer might be expecting them. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats standing face to face with a person. It's the only way to evaluate them. Frankly, I think telemarketers do far more harm to a saleperson's chances of actually making a sale and they irritate the hell out of most of us.

Sorry......I'll stop the rant now and replace the Soapbox in the corner.
