The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51724   Message #790475
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
24-Sep-02 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dedicated Follower of Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Dedicated Follower of Fascism
First allow me to say that I wasn't targeting you specifically in this thread ranging from the looking for "symptoms of fascism" to those just dropping all pretense of thoughtful understanding and just flat out calling America a fascistic empire. Need some be reminded that there would be *no* tolerance for ,let alone broadcast forums, of equally critical debate in a true fascist state as exists elsewhere in the world as we speak. Blurring the meanings for the sake of giving in to getting one's personal *ideological* rocks off serves nothing constructive. ( Not you,Amos. Just the "America: Always Wrong" Amen Choir )

That said:

(quote) "I don't understand your last sentence. What does "..more than thick with kibitzing this fomenting momentum" mean?

Isreal is already practicing a kind of flirting with a "final solution" in response to Palestinian acts of terrorism that is openly being rewarded with hard cash from Saddam's treasury.

The far right wing Likud party in control of Isreal is not exactly a "shrinking violet" when it comes to pushing the envalope of the biblical exacting an "Eye for an eye" to a Gen.William Tecumseh Sherman degree and proven to be willing to back it up in spades. Just as good ol' Lady Maggie Thatcher is historically credited as infusing some steel in G.Bush,Sr's spine on going after Saddam after he had already crossed over into Kuwait , the very influential Pro-Isreali Lobby has been expertly massaged , even incited, by the rhetoric of likes of Ariel Sharon and BB Netanyahuand their fellow-travelers.

I immediately found this level of oppurtunistic political fomenting really rather disgusting to watch . Netanyahu appeared on our airwaves , and still does now ,regularly using the 9/11 attack as the oppurtunity to " See what we have to live with. Now you understand terror and you can do something about it". This seizing upon an oppurtunity to goad us into taking swift and decisive military action and then finish the job continues as you see debated now..

The term "kibitzing" is a particularly New York yiddish idiom meaning to artfully influence , incite and/or direct behind the scenes or while someone looking over their shoulder as in a card game . Euros are more acquainted with this passtime en masse' as spectators at any soccer match where the term "hooliganism" gained new currency. A more Amercian colloquialism would be "backseat driver" or "armchair warrior".