The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51724   Message #790715
Posted By: Bobert
24-Sep-02 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dedicated Follower of Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Dedicated Follower of Fascism
Well, danged, I reckon this ol' hillbilly is gonna have to do some time in the corner for reference to "goosesteppin'". Hey, I ain't called Junior, ahhh Hitler. Never thought of it. Heck, he's Junior. And Hitler was Hitler. Two very different folks...

Now, I know that some folks get real razed when I speak of Junior gettin' folks "goosesteppin" but unless I am totally out voted by those Catfolks who I respect I'm reserving the right to use the term. It is meant to mean nothin' more than compliance which Junior and Co. demand.

Hey, if they don't like it then they shouldn't have paid some PR company a bunch of out tax bucks to come up with that "You're either with us, or you're against us". Well, they could have paid them but they shouldn't have unleashed it. It screams of, "Get your ass in line, *boy*" When Tom Daschle disagredd with Junior about some trivail thing, then they sent out an army of folks to call Daschle a demon and traitor. When they did thay, they, in essence, said, "End of discussion!"

Problem with "End of Discussion" is that without discussion you have "End of Democracy".

Yeah, so when I say "goosestepping" I am referring to the act of submission, of curling up in a fetal position, of pulling one's head into the shell. It has nothing to do with Hitler but with a symbol of *giving up*.

So, my friends, that's my non-Hitler story and I'm stickin' to it.

Resist Junior's War
