The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51781   Message #790846
Posted By: Frivolous Sal
25-Sep-02 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
There have been so many mentioned that I couldn't keep track. Here-after reading 350+ posts are my favorites - (recap)

"Feelings" has to be the top. "Teen Angel" surely equals it! "Afternoon Delight" "MacArthur Park," "Ballad of the Green Berets." "Chain Gang" "My Way" "Horse With No Name" "After the Loving" "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'round the Old Oak Tree" "Cherish" "Leader of the Pack" "Patches my darling of old shanty-town" "Go Tell Laura I Love Her" "White Sport Coat and a Pink Carnation") "Paper Roses"

And my own additions -

"Splish Splash" (I was taking a bath all upon a Saturday night) and "Artificial Flowers" (Made for ladies of fashion to wear - the child dies at the end, I am surprised digitrad hasn't grabbed it) Both done by Bobby Darin "Big John" about a cave-in In the jungle, the mighty jungle, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - I lived in Japan when that came out, the Far East Network did kid pop for an hour Saturday night. ("Top Twenty"). They sent someone to the States to see if we had the wrong version, and surprised us all by coming back with the same one. In spite of all her learnin'. to the bad I kept on turnin' "Momma Tried" is a family favorite. We were sure it was a joke, till a fan told us it was meant to be serious. "Running Bear" loved little White Dove/ with a love that couldn't die "Are you going to San Francisco? You better wear flowers in your hair". - What were they thinking? (someone else got it too.) "Kisses Sweeter than Wine" Get Michael out of his #*@$% boat please!