The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51781   Message #791114
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
25-Sep-02 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Hey, Taliesn: I think Why Don't We Do It In The Road is a kick... just boys having fun... with no attempt at writing a classic song. I just bought the DVD of Hard Day's Night and am looking forward to watching it. Again, I thought the movie was a lot of high energy, "cheeky" fun. The songs are early enough that they don't have much sophistication, but neither does That'll Be The Day, or Oh, Boy. They are what they are, and the movie is very entertaining. If we exclude Ringo for not being much of a singer, there goes a big batch of people who sing folk music, along with him. :-)

Good to see you here, though.
