The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51834   Message #791242
Posted By: John Wood
25-Sep-02 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Who Wrote Dalesman's Litany? (Moorman)
Subject: Who Wrote ``Dalesman's Litany ´´?
Anyone help with this ?
Ihave a copy of Tim Hart singing this song on ``Folk Songs of Olde England´´(Mooncrest Records Ltd.1991)
It states there ``All titles Trad. Arr.Hart´´.
The problem is.....I produced a CD in 1995 where one of the songs was The Dalesman's Litany.
We credited MR. Trad. as being responsible,but have since heard that this is possibly wrong !!!

Hope someone out there can help.I wouldn't like to do someone out of their royalties.
The song is not registered with NCB(The international song rights people here in NORWAY).
Someone did mention Dave Goulder as a possible ?