The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #791747
Posted By: Bobert
26-Sep-02 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Thank you Kat and Guest,Dunkle, et al.

And I read with interest Rep. Lloyd Doggett's letter and speeches and this morning I am bouyed by a feeling that thru the efforts of millions of people quietly telling their representatives how they feel, that democracy isn't quite dead.

The Friends letter that GUEST,Dunkle has shared with us above is a must read and when coupled with Amos's letter to the Iragi people, pretty much says it all.

Now, back to what we can and must do *now*...

For those of you who can get to Washington, D.C., this Sunday, Sept 29th, there will be a non-violent protest march beginning at 2:00 pm at Dupont Circle. There is a subway stop at Dupont Circle so all you have to do is get to any one of the many suburban subway stations and you're there, no fuss, no muss.

For further details go to: which I hope Kat can convert to a blue clicky thing here for us. I would alos suggest bookmarking this siote as it will be providing information about other upcoming activities for which you may become involved.

October 5-7 are designated "National Days of Action Against the War" and specifics can be found at the above site.

Hey, I realize that many of you may have never demonstrated or written letters against a war, but if you feel strongly enough to speak here at Mudcat, then it is your obligation to do what you can. Even if its an email to your folks in D.C. *Please* take a few minutes that you would have used bantering about or talking music to do something *today*. Something.

Peace thru nonviolent resistance...

And *please, please* read or reread the Friends letter above.


P.S. If anyone is coming to D.C. on Saturday for Sunday's march and needs a place to crash, PM me...