The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #791798
Posted By: Bobert
26-Sep-02 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Yo, GUEST, you are correct in that we can not eradicate differences but we can move mankind a step further down the road toward peaceful resolution. And, yes, we "must reconcile ourselves to its difficulty". Heck no, it won't be easy to stop this war but if we don't then who will? And when? And after how many more wars? Hey, this is our watch, and we must be willing to make the efforts to carve out a new way of dealing with conflict. The movement of people speaking up and offering alternatives that is going on now is unprecidented. The fact that thru the internet millions of folks have let their representatives know their feelings over such a short period of time is *unreal* when compared to how much work it took to mobilize folks during the Vietnam War. Years!

But, hey, these are differenet times and the US has different responsibilities and expectations put on it by other nations. We are at a crossraods and blessed with a wonderful opportunity to not only demonstarte the strength of democracy, but to also show a certain humbleness that would go along way toward demonstrating to the world a new order.

Can we count on you GUEST, to roll up your sleeves and pitch in in facing what you see as a "consuming problem" thru hard work and communication with others who we may think of as enemies. Bottom line: There's only one planet and we're all in this thing together.
