The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #791858
Posted By: Sandy Paton
26-Sep-02 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Caroline and I are lobbying for, calling representatives, senators, friends, associates, etc., urging them to oppose Bush's threatened unilateral action. If we must fight to effect "regime change" in Iraq, let us do it only with a coalition of allies acting with the sanction of the United Nations. To do otherwise is to invite an incredible disaster in the already seething cauldron of the Middle East. Frankly, the nation I was taught to honor and respect is not one that would use it's superior military strength to bring about "regime change" in another sovereign nation. Saddam may be a devil, but he's their devil, and they must deal with him. In the meantime, weapons inspection by the UN team, and continued denial of Saddam's access to materials needed to construct such weapons, pressure from the United Nations, etc., must be the methods employed. War should remain only the last resort.

Sandy (thinking of his grandchildren!)