The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #791874
Posted By: GUEST
26-Sep-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Dear Bobert. You can count on me to defend the sanctity of human life; if that requires me to fight I shall do so. If we can move other people/nations/religions to remove the insane violent enemy threat by peacefull means I am your man too. Human history dictates that we shall have to extract this cancerous growth painfully, and with some agression, before international justice and human rights prevail. The war on terror is not a war on terror at all. Terror isn't an enemy, it's a feeling. Your terror is what the enemy wants you to feel. Describing our efforts in terms of an emotional abstraction not only obscures the face of our adversary, but the nature of our mission. The enemy in this is the radical Islamist who argues that all non-believers in their faith must be killed.

Religious wars have been with us for a very long time, and they certainly are more complex than the wars of nations or dynasties. I do not see that we as a nation are properly instructed in the nature of this one. The aim of the Palestinians is to erase Israel, as they have often said in both Arabic and English. That aspect of the current conflict is clear enough, but once a bunch of crazy Saudis blows up major office buildings on the other side of the world from their specific interests, killing thousands of people who did not even know that they were at risk, it becomes our principle and immediate problem to locate and identify the physical enemy. Those people we can kill. Their notion - that we are "kaffirs" and thus worthy of death under all circumstances - is, of course, a psychological problem rather than a military one.

Those people on the other side seem to do a great deal of praying. Let us pray that their god will show them the error of their ways so that, pending that time, we can get them out in the open where they may serve as proper targets.