The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #791961
Posted By: Bobert
26-Sep-02 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Yo, GUEST,StuckRecord. Repeating a lie often enough does not make it true. You are *of the opinion* that Palestinians want to erase Isreal. You speak as if you have spoken with every Palestinian, but we both know that you haven't. The implication is just plainly, incorrect. And you are not a spokeman for the Palenstianian people.

I would agree with you about terror being a feeling and would suggest that, in the manner in which folks are loosly useing the term, that people right here in the US have also been terrorized by *supposed* freedom loving citizens. I think the examples are many. Ask just about any black man or woman. Or ask any of the folks who are on the other side of isle, who have been demonized for their views. Ask the folks whoes lives were ruined by Joe McCarthy.

Yes, history is replete with examples of man's failures to move manking further down the road toward civility. At some point in time mankind will have to accept the notion that war is the ultimate failure. As long as there a re powerful people who own leaders who profit from war, this won't happen until they are exposed. I'm thinking that time is now.

The war that Bush ahs been poundin a drum for isn't about Islam. It's about power and money. It's about politics and greed. It has very little to do with Saddam, who in the past was our allie and who was all but given a green light to take Kuwait. And who profited from that war, GUEST? Hmmmmmmm? If you'd take half the energy following that money trail as you do trying to demonize Islam, you'd perhaps find that good guy/bad guy thinking of yours isn't really yours at all. Yeah, there are a lot of magicans out there with their smoke and mirrors. You gotta watch both hands, GUEST. Don't be a one trick pony in their ring. Think for yourself. Find the gray between the black and white. Find goodness where you see nothing but evil. Free yourself....
