The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51896   Message #792365
Posted By: The DeanMeister
27-Sep-02 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Punch the Horse at Durty Nellies Pt999
Subject: Punch9 the 9Horse at Durty Nellies Pt999
Helloooooo peepol. Time for more drivel, methinks. Oaklet, the Ice Breaker sounds like a splendid venue for melodian players. Want any help with the scuppering??

The equine pugilists will be making a rare appearance at that fine vendor of bear9HOI! Durty Nellies tomorrow night. There is a minibus full of drunken hooligans coming thru from Beaverly, so should be a splendid evening. I am, in fact, cadging a lift myself, and intend to partake of a few of said bEaR's.

I also have every intention of setting the new string breaking record, the beAr consumption during a gig record, the stage diving distance record, and the number of attractive people's phone number collection in a single night award. jOhn9, you gonna give me some competition? I feel that the practice of innappropriate offbeat hupping and arythmic dancing may also put in an appearance, due to the attendance of that dastardly smallpiper and the ever-lovely Nik-Nak.

Be there or be a Stoolwiper, folks.