The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #792399
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-02 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
GUEST: You got more wiggle-waggle in you than a snake. Now, because I tell you to take you single-mindedness and stuff it, I'm now a Nazi and Hitler, is that right. You say you have friends who are Palestinians and you say that all Palestinians want Isreal "erased". Hmmmmmm? A man is judged by the company he keeps. So your friends, but not you, ahhh, want Isreal "erased"? Hey, pal, your word, not mine. Or maybe you too want Isreal "erased". Hmmmmm? Is that so? You're not making a whole lot of sense here....

Let's go over yout position one more time for the record:

1. Palestinians want Isreal "erased".

2. You have friends who are Palestinians.

3. then, your friends want Isreal "erased".

Is that it, other than you unwillingness to look beyond Islam as the root of the conflict, with no other factors coming into play? Well, that's the story you've been telling now for days. One problem, and now I read on another thread that the solution is to take out Saddam and his regime. Hey, how about the other Islamis folks? What about them? You think they're all going to become Christains overnight because Bush kills of Saddam? You story lacks credibility. Your lummping all people of Islamic Faith into this evil mass of people who just want to go around erasing other nations is no mpore accurate than lumping all Christains as anti-abortion, pro capital punishment war mongering hypocrits.

You need to look at individuals as individuals, GUEST.

Now, this may come as a big surprise to you but I have friends of Islamic faith from both Palestine and Pakistan and they don't share youir friend's views. Hmmmmmm? Like I said, one is judged by the company one keeps. Sounds like you got yourself surrounded by extremeist but then that doesn't make any sense since you want Bush to go off and kill extremist?

A bundle of contridictions....
