The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #792549
Posted By: DougR
27-Sep-02 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Bobert: You don't believe the official position of the Palestinian Authority is that they would like to see Israel disappear? My, I do believe you are part of a much larger minority than I ever imagined.

I don't believe that all Palestians, Saudi Arabians, Iranians, all Muslims, all Islamics are causing the current problems. I do believe that the religious extremists of the Muslim faith ARE, however.

Someone in this thread reminded us of the tragedy in Oklahoma City. The point being, I assume, that not all terrorists originate in the Middle East. Extremists are not limited to any "one" sector of the world's population. That's what it shows me.

Bobert: Continued, but thread creep. Your statement about the justice system in your home state does not offer much consolation to someone looking to receive fairness and justice in your courts. If they knew that their adversary won his cases by chatting up the "Judges and clerks of the court", they might feel they are not playing on a very level field. :>)
