The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51781   Message #792558
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
27-Sep-02 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
(quote) "Oh, my Taliesn, no Cat Stevens?"

All I gave was a spur-of-the-moment & off-the-top-o-me-head list of what I still love to listen too when asked what I like. Yeah I remember the Cat. ( prefered Donovan ) Never was moved to actually "buy" any of his albums , though. I got my quota of listening exposure at other friends' dorms, apts, dens, car radios. Same with Carol King . Always much more preferred Carly Simon's voice and material. Still do. Should've mentioned her. Forgot Ricky Lee Jones as well. Just mentioning Joni Mitchel on a quick list does that.

I believe I offered a thread on Loudon Wainwright III. Not enough honorable mention and credit due given to this prolific talent whom is a true "folk" singer/songwriter/ poet.

But this was supposed to be about the *worst* Pop songs and I thought calling the Beatles , together & individually, to task for theirs was appropriate.

From what I can gather from occassinal visits to the Country Music Channel there's plenty of over-commercialized Pop-trap there too , but since I've already gone out on a limb calling the Beatles to task ( forget the wave of Brit invasion Pop-fop-effluvia sucking like lampreys in the Beatles wake) I'm not about to then launch into a worst Pop-country music list. That's for other honest souls to call attention to.

Anyway , I'm now in the mood to play that new "Road to Perdition" soundtrack CD for inspiration whilst at my digital drawing board. ;-)