(quote) "I don't know Taliesn, your tastes are a bit, shall we say, mainstream--"Really? Most young folk I come into contact with are pretty oblivious ,and some proud of it , to the classics and a "who even notices , forget listens , to a soundtrack unless it's Matrix-thrash or Rave-Techno." reponse.
I guess I should clarify what I use music for. I have been drawing and sketching to music for all my life and since I began this practice to my parents' symphonic classics I've been kind of hot-wired to best be inspired at my drawing board ,now digital , most to instrumental ( virtuoso or orchestral ) music. This goes from Leo Kotke/Preston Reed/ Micheal Hedges/Steve Tibbets for solo guitartists to the mentioned film "Fantasia"-style soundtracks to elaborate symphonies.
To me , extreme virtuoso musicianship is hardly what one could possibly call *mainstream*. ;-)
I also find I'm distracted from my work by the human voice singing words, especially if it's gifted & beautiful , because I'll want to split my attention to the voiced words. I listen to songs when I'm on a break and/or stuck for a new idea.
(quote) "I'd advise wakening those musical tastebuds with regular trips to http://www.honkingduck.com or to http://clik.to/recordlady-- "
I know you mean well, but you can't begin to comprehend how thoroughly awake & alive my artistic life is with the regular doses of an already vast library of complex soundtracks and symphonies that I continue to be enriched and inspired by. It would take the rest of my life just to try and discover all of the classics , let alone film soundtracks,for golden nugget discoveries that set my muse in motion.
Also I have a wide variety of friends whom already regularly expose me to as wide a variety of music. But I know what works for me when in my inner sanctum at my drawing board .
The results speak for themselves so i'll stick to my brand of poison. ;-)