The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #792678
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-02 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Doug: I win my court battles because I am prepared. Most judges do not have patience with most pro sea representatives, but as I've been reping for my company for 18 years before the same judges, it doesn't hurt that they know that I know my way around. Hey, they are not corrupt judges and deciding cases based on the fact that I say "hey" to them in the streets, it's because I always have my documents in order. As for the clerks, it's nice to know that my case is going to be called early so I don't loose an entire day. Hey, that helps the defendant also because they won't loose a day either. And lastly, Doug, my business is not located in Wes Ginny but in the Republican dominated Loudoun Co., Virgina. They don't even put Democrats on the ballots for local offices. It's just assumed that everyone is a Repub. Yep, all the judges, and Board of Supervisors, the Leesburg Town Council... all Repubs...

But, bottom line, your Repub. judges rule in my favor 90% of the time, even though I'm right 100% of the time...
