The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51830   Message #792916
Posted By: selby
28-Sep-02 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: Are folk clubs serving a purpose
Subject: RE: Are folk clubs serving a purpose
Folk clubs need to survive and must change to survive, I speak from experience of fighting to keep a club open that eventualy closed. The last few regulars had very closed minds and would only wanted old trusted favourites as guests. The format was mc 2 songs, floor singers, guest, a break with raffle tickets,mc 2 songs, floor singers, guest, goodnight. I know many young talented muscians and singers are at the moment performing on the UK festival circuit,but in my opinion the one thing they lack is stage prescence, this will I am sure come in time, but the craft was originally learn't by the long slog of folk clubs,very much like an apprentiship. I believe folk clubs are nessacary, need to change, and require regular support from young and old alike. Keith