The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51925   Message #792965
Posted By: harpmaker
28-Sep-02 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat crash wallop!
Subject: Cat crash wallop!
We have a garden fence 3ft high 2 inches thick, which next doors cat likes to lay on. Nothing strange in that I hear you say, but read on -- This cat allways lays in the same spot, and in about 5 minuets is fast asleep. And then, crash wallop, it falls off!! You would think it would learn from this experience, but no, not this cat, it jumps back onto the fence, and repeats the whole process! again and again and again it falls off, jumps back on, goes to sleep, falls off etc etc. It does this ALL day, All week, and has done for months! It is doing it now as I type. It never seems to hurt itself though. You may think Iam exaggerating, but belive me, come rain or shine the cat carries on what it does best! Strange cat!!