The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51873   Message #793006
Posted By: Mr Red
28-Sep-02 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Website flamer problem - any suggestions
Subject: RE: BS: Website flamer problem - any suggestions
I agree, don't engage
Pity the spammers won't go away when you ignore them.
I have a proceedure that is more effective at ignoring spammers, though I am sure my ISP has got some spamassisin filters (just a pay as you go el cheapo - but hosts my domain name too so I pay 30 UK pounds per 2 years for it).
I put it in several threads but in essence it relies on having a safe folder visible in the email client (not the inbox but outbox is safe) and switching off the modem (unplug) before looking at any e-mail. It is about HTML mail (if pictures &/or colour) which has to get the pix and therby alerts one or two sites that your e-mail is being read. I still get spam but so little it is my re-assurance that the service is working (not always gaurranteed). They will keep trying in case, so I never let my guard down. It is definitely a "I got you you B******S" situation.