The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51925   Message #793017
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
28-Sep-02 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat crash wallop!
Subject: RE: BS: Cat crash wallop!
Our newly adopted catten (not quite a cat/not still a kitten) spent the entire 72 hours when Tropical Storm Hanna was passing through our neighborhood perched in the top of a 50 foot tall longleaf pine tree. She ultimately landed with a bit of a "cat crash wallop" herself. Amazingly resilient little buggers those cats. Fell from at least 40 feet up, landed with an audible thud, and ran to the deck to see if her food dish was still there. However, she does seem to have learned the lesson and hasn't been near a tree since. Your neighbor's cat though, Harpmaker, is just plain retarded.