The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51925   Message #793383
Posted By: GUEST,Catman
29-Sep-02 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat crash wallop!
Subject: RE: BS: Cat crash wallop!
It seems to me that the cat has no intention whatsoever of falling asleep on the fence, that would be stupid. It obviously suffers from narcolepsy (sorry about the spelling), i.e. sleeping sickness, English comic actor Arthur Lowe suffered from it as did the clergyman in the wedding scene in Ali Mc`Beal. Perhaps with your wonderfull woodworking skills Harpie, you could come up with a simmilar solution (a supportive framework of some kind?)to help this cat overcome its obvious disability and prevent further undignified humiliation, (cats are very sensative to looking like prats you know!)